TUI Into Langjökull Glacier

TUI Into Langjökull Glacier

Free cancellation
Language: English
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: more than 8 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • Journey to the heart of Langjokull glacier
  • Take a snow truck to ascend to the ice cave
  • Hraunfossar Waterfall
What to expect

Iceland is famous for its glaciers but until recently, what lies underneath the Langjokull glacier had been a mystery. In 2010, the first manmade Glacier Ice Cave was carved to take people inside the heart of this remote glacier ice cap. What's more, you'll also visit the Hraunfossar Waterfall.

After arriving at Husafell base, you'll climb onto a rugged snow truck to start your ascent to the ice cave, exploring the rugged glacial landscape along the way. An experienced guide will lead the way inside, where you'll see the magnificent blue ice buried deep beneath the surface that stays at a constant temperature of 0°.

All this is combined with stunning waterfalls and panoramic views of the mountains as you make your way north to the glacier. And on our return, you might – with luck – catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights dancing through the sky.

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What's included
  • check Transport
  • check Guide
  • check Thermal suit
What to remember
  • 50% of the adult rate applies to children and teenagers aged 12-15
  • Leave hotels at approximately 08:00 and return at about 21:00
  • Bring snacks
  • Not suitable for wheelchairs
  • Subject to weather conditions
  • Bring warm clothes
  • Bring suitable footwear
  • Food and drinks not included
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 1 day before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience

At the moment there are no reviews for this experience.

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