Coffee farm hike through Jamaica’s Blue Mountains with brunch

Coffee farm hike through Jamaica’s Blue Mountains with brunch

Free cancellation
Language: English
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: more than 8 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • Hike through the dense rainforest of the misty Blue Mountains on this coffee farm trail
  • Learn how some of the best beans in the world are grown and harvested on family-owned farms
  • Swim in the Blue Mountain Whirlpool and learn about the waterfalls and wildlife here
  • Play your part in the ongoing conservation and reforestation of the Blue Mountains by planting a tree
  • Expert guide with unrivalled knowledge of the Blue Mountains and its world-class coffee
What to expect

As you hike through the misty Blue Mountains of Jamaica, take a moment to breathe in the scent of jasmine from the white-flowered coffee trees that mingle with palms, ferns and orchids in this part of the rainforest. Following the trails, you'll hear all about the traditions and techniques of coffee growing in this region – and why its beans are some of the most sought-after – and expensive – in the world. Marcus, a local guide, explains “the Blue Mountains are special, not just for their beauty, but for what they give the farming community. The high altitude, the cool climate and the rich soil are a dream for coffee growers.”

The trail will take you on a leisurely trek up the mountain, past small family-owned coffee farms. Here, you'll learn more about how farmers have been harvesting ripe coffee cherries by hand, to create the mild, fruity and sweet flavour of Blue Mountain coffee, since the 18th-century. And the scenery here is pretty historic, too, like something out of Jurassic Park – think thick green rainforest dotted with waterfalls, valleys and misty mountain peaks. You'll want to keep your phone handy for pics.

After a little over two miles of walking, you'll be rewarded with a cooling dip in the Blue Mountains Whirlpool. Marcus adds “don't worry – it's a deep rocky pool with a waterfall flowing into it – not a swirling vortex! It's locally known as the Fountain of Youth, so come swim off a few years.” Round off the tour by making a lasting impact on the local greenery. You'll plant a tree as part of a programme to support reforestation and sustainable farming in this part of Jamaica.

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What's included
  • check Admission fees
  • check Brunch
  • check Transport
  • check Guide
  • check Hike
What to remember
  • Please wear closed-toe comfortable hiking shoes
  • This tour involves a moderate level of physical activity to participate
  • Suitable for beginners or first-time participants
  • Not suitable for those with reduced mobility due to moderate walking distance during tour
  • Not suitable for those with reduced mobility due to uneven paths or steps
  • Bring bathing gear and sunblock
  • Bring a hat
  • Bring suitable footwear
  • Bring money for extras or gratuities
  • Subject to weather conditions
  • This is one of our TUI Collection experiences, which give you a local flavour of the destination while showcasing its unique, authentic and responsible values.
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 1 day before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience

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